Commercial roofing is a critical component of any business establishment. A well-maintained roof not only protects the building from the elements but also ensures the safety of the people inside. However, like any other part of a structure, commercial roofs can face various issues over time. In this article, we will explore the common commercial roofing issues that business owners and property managers should be aware of.

Common Commercial Roofing Issues

Leaks and Water Damage

One of the most prevalent issues with commercial roofs is leaks and water damage. This problem can result from various factors, including damaged or deteriorated roofing materials, clogged drains, or poor installation. Leaks can be particularly damaging, as they can lead to interior damage, mold growth, and structural issues. Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to detect and address leaks promptly.

Ponding Water

Ponding water occurs when water accumulates on the roof’s surface, often due to poor drainage or a sagging roof structure. It may seem harmless, but over time, ponding water can lead to roof deterioration and compromise its integrity. Proper drainage solutions and roof slope maintenance are crucial to prevent ponding water issues.

Roof Membrane Damage

Commercial roofs often have a membrane that serves as a protective layer. Damage to this membrane can result from exposure to the elements, foot traffic, or the natural aging of the material. When the membrane is compromised, it can no longer effectively repel water and protect the roof. Regular inspections can help identify membrane damage and allow for timely repairs or replacements.

Blow-Offs and Billowing

High winds, storms, and inadequate fastening can cause sections of a commercial roof to blow off or billow. This not only exposes the building to the elements but also poses safety risks. Proper installation and maintenance, along with using suitable roofing materials, can mitigate the risk of blow-offs and billowing.

Poor Installation

The quality of the initial roof installation plays a significant role in its long-term performance. If the roof was poorly installed, issues can arise sooner than expected. These issues may include leaks, inadequate insulation, and improper flashing. Hiring experienced professionals for the installation of your commercial roof is essential to avoid these problems.


How often should I inspect my commercial roof?

Answer: It’s advisable to inspect your commercial roof at least twice a year, ideally in the spring and fall. Additionally, after severe weather events, it’s a good practice to conduct a visual inspection to ensure there is no immediate damage.

What causes roof leaks in commercial buildings?

Answer: Roof leaks can result from various factors, including aging roofing materials, poor installation, clogged drains, and damage from severe weather. Regular inspections can help identify and address these issues early.

Can I perform roof repairs myself, or should I hire a professional?

Answer: While some minor maintenance tasks can be done by property owners, it’s recommended to hire a professional roofing contractor for repairs and inspections. They have the expertise and tools to ensure the work is done correctly and safely.

Maintaining a commercial roof is crucial to protect your business and investment. Being aware of common roofing issues and addressing them promptly can extend the life of your roof and save you from costly repairs. Regular inspections, professional installation, and timely maintenance are key to a healthy and long-lasting commercial roof.

For more information on commercial roofing or to discuss your specific roofing needs, don’t hesitate to contact Roman Roofing, your trusted roofing experts in Brooklyn, NYC.